CRAC Units
A Computer Room Air Conditioning (CRAC) unit is designed for applications where close control, high precision air conditioning is essential, including data centre cooling, medium and low density server environments, telecom switching stations, medical operating theatres and clean room environments.
For more details please contact +974 3110 0354 ,
CRAC Product Range

Close Control units with Scroll compressors and EC INVERTER Plug-Fans or radial fans.
- Cooling capacity: 9÷155 kW
- EC Inverter Plug-Fans
- Radial fans
- Free-Cooling technology
- Compact dimensions
- Electronic expansion valve
- Constant airflow and static pressure
- Suitable for high ambient temperature (up to 52°C)
- XOP: Aircooled direct expansion units with Scroll compressors and EC Inverter Plug-Fans
- XOC: Aircooled direct expansion units with Scroll compressors and radial fans
- TOP: Aircooled direct expansion Dual Fluid units with Scroll compressors and EC Inverter Plug-Fans
- TOC: Aircooled direct expansion Dual Fluid units with Scroll compressors and radial fans
- HOP: Watercooled direct expansion units with Scroll compressors and EC Inverter Plug-Fans
- HOC: Watercooled direct expansion units with Scroll compressors and radial fans
- FOP: Watercooled direct expansion Free-Cooling units with EC Inverter Plug-Fans
- FOC: Watercooled direct expansion Free-Cooling units with radial fans

Remote aircooled Condensers with axial fans to be combined with Close Control units of XIP - TIP - XOP - XOC - TOP - TOC series. The Remote Condensers are provided with all necessary wiring and electrical protection already on board; the Condensing Control / Fan Speed Control is available as accessory. The units can be installed either with horizontal or vertical air delivery.
- UCM: Remote aircooled Condensers with axial fans
- UCM/SL: Silenced remote aircooled Condensers with axial fans
- UCM/SSL: Super silenced remote aircooled Condensers with axial fans.

Chilled Water Close Control units with EC Inverter Plug-Fans or radial fans.
- Cooling capacity: 9÷282 kW
- EC Inverter Plug-Fans
- Radial fans
- Compact dimensions
- Constant airflow and static pressure
- WOP: Chilled water units with EC Inverter Plug-Fans
- WOC: Chilled water units with radial fans
- DOP: Chilled water Dual Coil units with EC Inverter Plug-Fans
- DOC: Chilled water Dual Coil units with radial fans
- WOPU:Chilled water underfloor units with EC Inverter Plug-Fans
- DOPU:Chilled water Dual Coil underfloor units with EC Inverter Plug-Fans

Wide range of high efficiency aircooled and watercooled liquid Chillers specifically designed for Data Centre cooling, with dedicated features and solutions especially useful for IT application. All units provide a constant cooling all year round with the lowest energy consumption and no-stop operation.
- Cooling capacity: 27÷4.550 kW
- With Scroll, Screw or Turbocor compressors
- Direct Free-Cooling technology
- Inverter technology
- VPF - Variable primary flow pumps
- Microchannel condensing coils
- Double power supply
- Rapid restart
- Designed for TIER III and TIER IV
- Accessible layout. Maintenance during functioning
- Lan integrated control logic for multiple units
- Integration on building management system
- Web Monitoring on-line supervision
- CREI-E 1025÷1045: Inverter Scroll compressor, Microchannel condensing coils and plate exchanger
- CRE-FC 1025÷1045: Free-Cooling, Scroll compressor and plate exchanger
- CREI-E 2060÷4210: Inverter Scroll compressors, Microchannel condensing coils and plate exchanger
- CRE 2050÷4190: Scroll compressors and plate exchanger
- CRE-FC 2050÷4190: Free-Cooling, Scroll compressors and plate exchanger
- CRE 2050F÷4190F: Scroll compressors and shell and tube exchanger
- CREI-E 4225÷6760: Inverter Scroll compressors, Microchannel condensing coils and plate exchanger
- CRE 6205÷121060: Scroll compressors and plate exchanger
- CRE-FC 6205÷121060: Free-Cooling, Scroll compressors and plate exchanger
- CRE 6205F÷121060F: Scroll compressors and shell and tube exchanger
- CRE-EH 2230÷21550: (Inverter) Screw compressors, Microchannel condensing coils and shell and tube exchanger
- CRE-FCH 2230÷21220: Free-Cooling, Screw compressors and shell and tube exchanger
- CRE-EY 2280÷21290: (Inverter) Screw compressors, Microchannel condensing coils and shell and tube exchanger
- CRE-FCY 2230÷21430: Free-Cooling, Screw compressors and shell and tube exchanger
- CRE-TRH 1250/1÷41550/2: Turbocor compressors, Microchannel condensing coils and flooded shell and tube exchanger
- CRE-TRFCH 1250/1÷41550/2: Free-Cooling, Turbocor compressors and flooded shell and tube exchanger
- CRE-TRY 1250/1÷41560/2: Turbocor compressors, Microchannel condensing coils and flooded shell and tube exchanger
- CRE-TRFCY 1250/1÷41560/2: Free-Cooling, Turbocor compressors and flooded shell and tube exchanger
- CRW 6205÷121060: Scroll compressors and plate exchangers
- CRW 6205F÷121060F: Scroll compressors and shell and tube exchangers
- CRW-EH 2260÷21870: (Inverter) Screw compressors and shell and tube exchangers
- CRW-EY 2280÷21290: (Inverter) Screw compressors and flooded shell and tube exchangers
- CRW-Y 2270÷32470: Screw compressors and shell and tube exchangers
- CRW-TRH 1340/1÷62120/1: Turbocor compressors and flooded shell and tube exchangers for cooling tower operation
- CRW-TRH/DR 1340/1÷62120/1: Turbocor compressors and flooded shell and tube exchangers for Dry-Cooler operation
- CRW-TRY 1330/1÷64095/1: Turbocor compressors and flooded shell and tube exchangers for cooling tower operation
- CRW-TRY/DR 1330/1÷41750/1: Turbocor compressors and flooded shell and tube exchangers for Dry-Cooler operation

LOGICA is the latest generation system for high-density server rooms, where the thermal load produced by the servers is particularly high. LOGICA goes beyond the concept of hot and cold aisles and provides localised cooling, focusing directly on hot spots caused by the servers, through a cooling doors system installed directly on the racks.
The energy efficiency is boosted to the maximum and therefore the Data Centre operating costs drop drastically.LOGICA is an hydronic system based on the patented NEGATIVE. PRESSURE technology Leak Prevention System: servers are fully protected against any water leaks that might occur.
- Cooling capacity: 9÷282 kW
- EC Inverter Plug-Fans
- Radial fans
- Compact dimensions
- Constant airflow and static pressure
- Cooling capacity: 25÷45 kW each door
- Maximum energy efficiency: up to 93% energy saving
- Maximum data protection: prevents water leaks
- Compactness, Flexibility and Adaptability: up to 50% more space to servers
- Easy maintenance
- Low installation costs: no raised floor
- Remote management
- Suitable for high ambient temperature (up to 52°C)

The range includes Outdoor and Indoor Direct Expansion Packaged units to cool Telephone Exchangers and Telecommunication Shelters.
- Cooling capacity: 4÷29 kW
- EC Inverter Plug-Fans
- Free-Cooling technology
- Suitable for high ambient temperature (up to 52°C)
- CZ:Packaged Outdoor units
- CY:Packaged Indoor units
- CZ_XT:Packaged Outdoor units for high ambient temperature (up to 52°C)
- CY_XT:Packaged Indoor units for high ambient temperature (up to 52°C)